Definitely working, i had absolutely every side effect possible by using just a quarter of a pill
for the first few days, however you soon get used to the side effects and and most of them either go away completely or the will calm down enough to be able to bare no problem, I recommend just taking quarter of a pill if it’s your first time using clenbutrerol and just take your time and up the dose every few of days, and get yourself some taurine pills as the definitely help with the muscles cramps,but be warned clenbutrerol is extremely powerful, and extreme care must be taken whilst using this drug👌
David Anderson –
Definitely working, i had absolutely every side effect possible by using just a quarter of a pill
for the first few days, however you soon get used to the side effects and and most of them either go away completely or the will calm down enough to be able to bare no problem, I recommend just taking quarter of a pill if it’s your first time using clenbutrerol and just take your time and up the dose every few of days, and get yourself some taurine pills as the definitely help with the muscles cramps,but be warned clenbutrerol is extremely powerful, and extreme care must be taken whilst using this drug👌